
I stream, do art and music.

About Myself

Some info about myself and about my art!

My art

For people that want to see my art but don't want to scroll through my whole feed!

My projects

A variety of personal projects, ranging from action to comedy romance to streaming!

About Myself

❥My name is Roku or Rodia
❥I go by any pronouns
❥I know English, German, Russian and basic French! (currently studying Japanese)
❥My birthday is on the 16th August
❥I live in Germany. My timezone is GMT+1/GMT+2 (winter/summer time)
❥My zodiac is Leo
(Roku's design is pretty fluid and I make a few changes every once in a while)

My art

This is mainly just to showcase my art to people who want to check out my art without having to scroll through my whole feed!This will probably change. My favorite art pieces shift from time to time.My biggest Inspirations:
(just look at the artists I follow on Twitter ^^/)
Do not reprint these images. All copyright goes to roku.png

My projects

Strange Melody

Strange Melody is a story based in a fictional Japan and tells the story of Okanaga, the main character, and her sudden criminal record.The main character is called Nezumi Okanaga.The story focuses how being different isn't always good and how villains are often misunderstood.This story hasn't been published yet. I plan on making this into a comic series since my writing abilities are mediocre at best. Besides that I still won't attempt a comic yet because currently I don't have time to consitently work on one.If you want to find out more about my characters then check out my ToyHouse
(Disclaimer: It's still a work in progress. Many of the characters haven't been added/ don't have any information.

I helped Hayase so can a Daria support my brother?

Description will be editedI also worked on a short contest comic! Read it here